Monday 25 March 2019

My teabag art for today is the dangerous Cassowary

My teabag art for today is the Cassowary - said to be the most dangerous bird in the world.  It is said that during World War II, American and Australian tropps stationed in New Guinea were warned to steer clear of them.  Not only are they frightening, but the are also out to get you.  I found this funny commentary of the bird when looking for photos as a reference - not sure who wrote it but quite funny:  Enjoy the hilarious commentary:
"The Cassowary is mostly native to the tropical forests of Australia, and it doesn't care who you are.  The Cassowary is just out to get you."  The Cassowary standing six foot tall, weighing 85kg looks like the bastard offspring of a pie and a cake.  The Cassowary is so fierce, that it holds the air hostage so it does not have to breathe.  The cassowary hates you with a deep animal hatred.  If it could, it would take away your freedom.  Injuries they cause in humans are puncture wounds, lacerations, bone fractures, post traumatic stress disorder and possible death.  Australia used to have lions who tried to hunt the Cassowary.  At present time there are no Lions in Australia.  A sure way to provoke the Cassowary is to be born."

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